About Us
Welcome to Bad Beach Tees! where our motto is don't worry, BEach Happy!
Now that you're here, we consider you more like family than simply a customer.
We aspire to inspire you to enjoy life by going to the beach! Leave stress and worries behind while your body soaks up the refreshing, soothing, healing element that is the living Water.
I'm Kirina and I'm the founder of Bad Beach Tees.
I started this company because as an island girl who traded the sand for the snow, I miss the beach 'real bad'. So here's an open invitation to share in the love and longing for the beach.
Remember to be unapologetically you. Always show up as the bad b**ch that you are in all aspects of life! tackling any and ALL obstacles that life often throws our way.
We strive to provide quality products and exceptional customer service.
Stay beachy! family
Love, Kirina